Sunday, December 12, 2010


The Frontier order is sorted and ready for pickup :)

~ Marie

Sunday, November 28, 2010

December Frontier

Hi...the Frontier spreadsheet is finally up for anyone who wants to order. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. :)

~ Marie

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Azure Blue Diamond Drop!!

Alright Everyone,

I have spoken to Rick and the drop has indeed moved to tonight, Sunday the 21st!!! He is approximating around 7:30pm at this time. I will indeed keep you updated!!!

Thanks, tirrsa

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Frontier time

Hey all,

If you want to order Frontier the spreadsheet is up and you'll need to try to get your order entered by this Monday. Thanks :)

~ Marie

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Four Open Azure Drops in Las Vegas Area

Gayle is on Cheyenne at the 95 (Target parking lot), typically Monday evening delivery.

Ranni is near Decatur and Sahara (Trader Joe’s parking lot), typically Monday evening delivery.

Tirrsa is on Blue Diamond at Valley View (Target parking lot), typically Monday evening delivery.

Ronda is in Henderson near Horizon and the 95 (Residence), typically Monday delivery.

You can get contact information from Azure Standard by calling: 541-467-2230 or use the “Contact Us” page of this blog and someone will contact you.

November’s Azure Drop

Because of the Thanksgiving Holiday our Las Vegas area Azure drops will be one day earlier. This means the truck will be delivering Sunday night (November 21st) and Monday morning (November 22nd). Please mark your calendars.

The order deadline of Thursday (November 18th) still shows on the computer, but to be safe, please put it in a few days early.

Monday, October 25, 2010

!!!!!!!!!Azure Update for Blue Diamond Drop!!!!!!!

Sorry Folks!!

Shipment is running a bit late!

He won't be here til 9:15(ish)-9:30!!

thank you!

~Azure Update for Blue Diamond Drop~

Hello Everyone!!

The truck is coming Today (Monday the 25th) @ 8:30(ish)-9:00pm....

see you all soon!!

tirrsa :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Info on Beef Order

Hello Everyone

More info on how to place your order on the spreadsheet, how to make payment, and where to pick up.

Pricelist with package descriptions:

If we were able to buy 1 cow the price break down would be as follows:
1/12 $183
1/6 $367
1/4 $550
1/2 $1100
1 $2200

If we were able to buy 2 or more cows the break down would be as follows:
1/12 $167
1/6 $333
1/4 $500
1/2 $1000

1/12 is equal to: 2 New York Strip or T-Bone Steaks, 2 Rib or Ribeye Steaks, 2 Top Sirloin Steaks(boneless), 15lbs of Ground Steak, 3lbs of Patties, 9-10lbs of Roasts, 4lbs.of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak.....approx.34-35lbs of Beef.

1/6 is equal to double of the above

1/4 is equal to: 6 Ribeyes, 6 New York Strips, 6 Top Sirloins Steaks, 45lbs of Ground Steak, 9lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 27lbs. of Roasts, approx. 6lbs. of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak....approx.105lbs of Beef

1/2 is equal to: 12 Ribeyes, 12 New Yorks, 12 Top Sirloins, 90lbs of Ground Steak, 18lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 54lbs of Roasts, approx.12lbs of Kabob, Stew or Cube Steak....approx. 210lbs of Beef

1 whole Beef is equal to: 24 Ribeyes, 24 New Yorks, 24 Top Sirloins, 180 lbs. of Ground Steak, 36 lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 110 lbs. of Roasts, Approx. 22lbs.of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak.....approx. 420lbs of Beef

We can order in these quantities so be sure to share with your friends if you feel like the smallest package is still to much!! It is all individually wrapped so splitting is made rather easy...and no one can beat the pricing!!

How To Order:

1) Go to, click on "G-mail" on the top of the page.

2) Enter user name:
Password: ourpassword

3) Click on "documents" (upper left hand side of page)

4) Find the document labeled "Bar 10 Beef Order Sheet"

5) Type in your info and what you would like to order.

How To Pay

Prior to placing the order all totals must be paid in FULL. Once everyone has sent me their orders they will be totaled up and the totals will be sent to you in an email. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT UNTIL I EMAIL YOU! This way we know how many cows we have and what the price will be. You may pay in Cash or with PayPal; Funded or Credit/Debit card (you pay all fees) PRIOR to the payment deadline.

1) go to your PayPal account and go to Send Money tab
2) enter my email address:
3) enter the TOTAL you are sending (see below if Credit or Debit Card)
4) Below that choose the Personal Tab and select Payment Owed.

TO CALCULATE CREDIT/DEBIT CARD FEES GO HERE: Enter your total in the To receive this amount (after fees) BOX and it will tell how much you need to send to cover the fees.

Email me at the same address if you would like to pay in cash.

Where To Pickup

The 1/12, 1/6, and 1/4 orders all come packed in boxes with insulation, so there is no need to bring a cooler. If you ordered one of the "other packages" it may come in bags. The beef is frozen so you will not need a cooler if you are going straight home.

Mario Batali's Farmers Market
7485 South Dean Martin Drive, Suite 106
Las Vegas, NV 89139

Pick up will probably be between 11am and 1pm but I will keep you posted. Any questions feel free to email me at, I am hoping we will get to that 2 cow price and get the best deal!!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Grass Fed Beef Update

Hello everyone!!!

Rebecca has arranged with Ryan for the beef order to be arriving in Las Vegas on thursday Nov.11th! She would like to receive your orders and arrange payment by the 5th of November only because he would like the order by the 8th so that he may fill it. Preferred method of ordering is the spreadsheet created on this blog, but you may email her as well if that is easier. If you are planning on using paypal, please contact her for her paypal account so that the payment will go directly to her, then Ryan. Thanks and I wish you all a great day :)

Here is the price and quantity breakdown:

For 1 whole beef the price is $2200, that price breaks down as follows:

1/12 $183
1/6 $367
1/4 $550
1/2 $1100

If we put together an order for 2 whole beefs or more, that breaks down as follows:

1/12 $167
1/6 $333
1/4 $500
1/2 $1000

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Grass Fed Beef!

Hello everyone,

I am handing over the beef order to my dear friend Rebecca for the October/early November order. She has all the contact info from the people that have already emailed me of their interest. Her contact info is as follows:
Cell: 702-208-5317

Please contact her for she will get this order in so all of us can get a price break...I just couldn't do it this round due to my health! She is super sweet and professional and if you need anything from me, please contact worries I am glad to help :)

Thanks, Tirrsa

Monday, September 27, 2010

Frontier order sheet ready

Hi all...the Frontier order spreadsheet is finally up for any that want to order this month. Just a thought...if you want healthier candy to hand out at Halloween check out the Yummy Earth lollipops. You'll need to get your order in by Monday the 4th. Check the spreadsheet for the link to the sales catalog, my notes about when I'm placing the order, etc. Thanks

~ Marie

Friday, September 10, 2010

Frontier is here.

Hi...the Frontier order is here so come on over to pick up if you ordered this month :)

~ Marie

Saturday, September 4, 2010

May be of interest!!

Hi guys,

Since we all share the same goals for healthy living, I thought this might be of interest to you all! There is a gentleman, Daniel Rold, who is a Chek Practitioner, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Advanced
Metabolic Typing Adviser and Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist. He holds a biweekly meet up group with classes on Nutrition, Lifestyle, Health, and Exercise. His first class will be held next Sat (Sept.11th) at 5:30. The topic will be on food production, where and how our foods get from the farm to the plate. We will be going over soil science, factory farming, and how to choose healthy for your family. Hope to see you there.

Please visit if you are interested:

Thanks, tirrsa

Friday, August 27, 2010

September Frontier

Hi all...the September Frontier spreadsheet is up if you want to order through Marie. I'll start putting some more notes directly on the spreadsheet instead of the blog. Hopefully, that will help those who want to order know what I'm up to sooner than waiting for posts from the blog to be emailed. :)

~ Marie

Monday, August 23, 2010

Azure Update!

Hi Everyone,

The Truck will be here at 8:45pm!!!!

See you all there!!!


Grass Fed Beef!

Hi Everyone,

I have some interest for some more beef!!! Would anyone be up for doing a beef order in Sept. or Oct.? Give me some feedback at!

Thanks, tirrsa

Azure for the 23rd!

Hi guys,

Rick said he would be pulling into Vegas around 6:00...getting to our stop (Target Shopping Center/Blue Diamond) around 8:30'ish....I'll update again soon :)


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Frontier order here

Hey Frontier friends...our order has arrived so come by whenever. Just give me a call or text 1st. :)

~ Marie

Monday, August 2, 2010

Check your Frontier order

If you ordered Frontier this month with Marie please check your order by Tuesday early afternoon if you want to make changes. If you add or delete any items or change quantities please make a note on the side so I can find and change on website easily. Be sure to check notes on side about out of stock items in case you want something else instead. Thanks

~ Marie

Friday, July 23, 2010

August Frontier spreadsheet ready

For those who want to order Frontier through Marie's southwest location...the August spreadsheet is posted and you can begin entering your order. Please get it entered by the evening of Sunday, August 1st as I will try to start working on it sometime on Monday. Please check the blog and/or spreadsheet Monday evening or Tuesday morning. If I get it all entered Monday I will want to submit by 2pm on Tuesday.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Urgent Message!!

Hi Everyone!

Just talked with Ryan....

He would appreciate everyone being as early as possible...
He will be arriving at 10:30 and would like to be finished by 11:30...
only because he doesn't want your beef to spoil in the sun!!

Thanks Folks!


(might call or text people I have numbers for in the morning... in case you don't see this! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

GOT BEEF - Grass Feed Beef

Hi guys!!

The beef order has been placed!! Remember it is this coming thursday, the 22nd of July! You can pickup the beef between 11am & 1pm at the Molto Farmers Market..located at the following:
7485 Dean Martin Drive, Suite

See you thursday....

p.s. I do know that other arrangments have been made for some of you :)

Thanks, Tirrsa

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Frontier catalog!

Hey all Frontier people...make sure if you have the Frontier PDF catalog saved on your computer that it is the new version not the 2009 -2010. The links on the blog take you to the correct version but here is the link also

Be sure to delete the old one from your computer first. :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

For those who ordered Frontier this month...

The order has arrived. Call before you want to pickup to make sure I'm home. Just a reminder...if you didn't get an email with my # and address you'll need to let me know by posting a comment or using the "contact us" link. Thanks

~ Marie

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Details on the Beef Order Are In!!

Hello everyone,

I talked with Ryan, we have decided on a happy median of the 22nd of July for delivery!
Payments would be needed by the 16th of July, and do it by the 2 or more cow price bracket!
Cash and Check may be mailed to the following:
Tirrsa Isom
7150 Mineral Park Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89179

Credit Cards please call me:702-250-2363

The blogs paypal account may be used if needed because a dear soul has offered to figure that out for us :)

I have tried to respond to everyone that I have an order on personally so if I haven't responded to you...I might not have received it!!
Please email me your order at:
don't just put it on the spreadsheet cuz I'm really not going by that.......

Thanks everyone, tirrsa

Friday, July 2, 2010

Frontier order placed

The Frontier order was place today. I'll post when I get the shipping confirmation and when it's arrived and sorted. If this was your 1st time ordering with me you should have received an email with my personal info. Don't forget to check your spam folder :) If you didn't get it or need my info again use the "contact us" link & I will get a hold of you. You may want to include your phone #. The spreadsheet is also updated with totals for those of you who want to do paypal. As long as you submit paypal before you come to pickup or pay me at pickup it is OK to wait. No need to confirm with me when you are paying, etc. Thanks

~ Marie

NW Frontier order

Hello Everyone

There will be a Frontier pickup in the NW area of the valley near Buffalo/US 95. Due to unforeseen circumstances, July's order will not be placed until the 15th. Policies and procedures for this drop will be slightly different than the SW pickup. If you would like more information or to place an order, please use the "contact us" form with "Stephanie, NW Frontier order" in the subject line.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Email - Everyone please read!

Please do not hit reply and send emails to the Living Healthy blog updates that are sent daily (if there has been a post). They are going to an inactive email. You need to either post a comment directly on the blog, use the "contact us link" or email the person you are trying to get a hold of directly.

Please check your Frontier order

Those who ordered Frontier this month...please check your order by noon Friday. I want to submit the order by then otherwise it might not get placed until Monday. If you need to add/delete/or change something please put a clear note on the side so I know what's changed. Thanks
~ Marie


I'll be working on the Frontier spreadsheet now. Check back tonight to check your order. I'll post when I have totals done.

~ Marie

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Beef Update :)

Hello everyone,

I have talked with Ryan recently and he stated that he was going to be here next week...he can fill the order then, but I didn't think we could be ready for payment and submission so soon. I hope you don't mind, but I have it set for approx. Aug.12th (he stated 2nd week of Aug.)...but if the majority would rather for next week July 8th....I'm game :) I would need payment by the 6th so that we can get it in time...
my address is:
7150 Mineral Park Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89179

*credit cards, Im willing to take them, but it would be charged under my family business & it also takes a percentage we would have to cover...nothing much, $5 would be suffice for sure!

Email me quick if we are shooting for the 8th!!!
Thanks, tirrsa

Monday, June 28, 2010

Azure Delivery Schedule and Deadlines

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Grass Fed Beef Update!

Well, good news so far...I haven't even posted to my other contacts yet & we already have 1 1/12 of a cow we are already heading into the other price brackett rather quickly...look for an update soon!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Grass Fed Beef Orders

Hello everyone,

I'm not sure how the sheet works for ordering the beef so to make it easier, you can email me @ the following: or call me 702-250-2363

If we were able to buy 1 cow the price break down would be as follows:
1/12 $183
1/6 $367
1/4 $550
1/2 $1100
1 $2200

If we were able to buy 2 or more cows the break down would be as follows:
1/12 $167
1/6 $333
1/4 $500
1/2 $1000

1/12 is equal to: 2 New York Strip or T-Bone Steaks, 2 Rib or Ribeye Steaks, 2 Top Sirloin Steaks(boneless), 15lbs of Ground Steak, 3lbs of Patties, 9-10lbs of Roasts, 4lbs.of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak.....approx.34-35lbs of Beef.

1/6 is equal to double of the above

1/4 is equal to: 6 Ribeyes, 6 New York Strips, 6 Top Sirloins Steaks, 45lbs of Ground Steak, 9lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 27lbs. of Roasts, approx. 6lbs. of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak....approx.105lbs of Beef

1/2 is equal to: 12 Ribeyes, 12 New Yorks, 12 Top Sirloins, 90lbs of Ground Steak, 18lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 54lbs of Roasts, approx.12lbs of Kabob, Stew or Cube Steak....approx. 210lbs of Beef

1 whole Beef is equal to: 24 Ribeyes, 24 New Yorks, 24 Top Sirloins, 180 lbs. of Ground Steak, 36 lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 110 lbs. of Roasts, Approx. 22lbs.of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak.....approx. 420lbs of Beef

We can order in these quantities so be sure to share with your friends if you feel like the smallest package is still to much!! It is all individually wrapped so splitting is made rather easy...and no one can beat the pricing!!

Lets start getting in our order so that we can have it settled by mid-July and ordered for delivery in the beginning of August or so....... thanks everyone and please be sure to ask any questions that may arise :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Frontier - southwest pickup

The spreadsheet is ready for Frontier. I plan to start the order Thursday, July 1st. I'll post on the blog when I am ready to work on it so if there's no post you can still put your order on the sheet. If you have any questions please use the contact us link.

~ Marie

Monday, June 21, 2010

Azure is here!

Alright, everyone lets go!!He is on his way so about 20 or so minutes...see you soon, tirrsa

Azure Update Part - 2 I just talked to him, he is thinking maybe 8:30 now..again, I'll keep you guys posted :)

p.s. this is the update for the Blue Diamond/I-15 drop

Azure Update

As of right now we are looking at around 9:00'ish...I am waiting for a call back from the driver to see if we are still on schedule :) Thanks, tirrsa

Monday, June 14, 2010

Azure & Bar10 Beef Update

K..Ladies who are picking up their Azure order at the Blue Diamond (target shopping center) drop...your drop number is as follows: 605662. I do look forward to seeing you all again and meeting some new "friends".

Also, I am in contact with Bar10 Beef and he is sending over what is available and I will post as the information comes in.

Thanks Ladies

For those who ordered Frontier this month

Just want to make sure everyone who ordered Frontier this month got my email that the order is ready. I haven't heard from at least 3 of you and one person said they didn't get the email so just want to make sure you know. If you didn't get it & need my address use the contact us form and I'll get back to you. :)

~ Marie

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Contact us link is working

The "contact us" link is now working again!

Thank you Jenn :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Gayle's Azure Update

The June Azure Truck delivery is coming soon. Though Thursday (June 17th) is the absolute deadline, it's always good to get it in a few days early. Last month the website was down on the morning of the deadline. The truck should come Monday night (June 21st) or Tuesday morning/mid-day (June 22nd). We never know exactly. We have a good guess by Monday morning. If you need the number for a new drop, please contact us soon, so that we can direct your email to the right person and they can contact you.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Contact us" link

It appears that the "contact us" link is currently not working but we are aware of it and will get it fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My 1st Frontier order placed!

Well, I finally got the Frontier order placed and spreadsheet totals updated. It should be delivered to my house by next Friday. If you want to pay by paypal please remember to follow the directions found on the blog under "Our co-ops" & "Payments" including using the account. I will send an email when it arrives and I have it sorted and will include my address then. Any questions just use the "contact us" link above.

~ Marie

Cleaning tricks to make appliances last

Some great tips!

As it turns out, the secret to keeping appliances running smoothly is cleanliness—or at least that’s what Kirby Mills, owner of At Your Service Appliance Repair in Kansas City, Missouri, tells The New York Times, having seen hundreds of appliances malfunction due to “goo, dust, and gunk” every year. I learned this the hard way a couple months ago when my dishwasher stopped working, only to discover later (following a very expensive visit from a repairman) that the problem was simply a filter that needed to be rinsed. It really doesn’t take much time or effort to clean appliances, and doing so can extend their lifespan by years. Here’s a re-cap of how to best go about this:

Dishwasher: Take out the racks. Check the corners and the rubber lining around the door for cracks and food residue. Clean out both with a sponge and plastic-bristled brush (don’t use metal as it can damage the machine). Consult the owner’s manual and remove the spray arms and wash them with soap and water. If you’ve got a filter basket at the base of your dishwasher, carefully remove the filter itself and give it a rinse as well. Slide your hand in the filter hole and check for debris. Put the pieces back together and run the machine empty with a bit of detergent.

Refrigerator: The coils underneath the machine tend to get clogged with dust, which can make it hard for the compressor fan to circulate fresh air. To make sure they’re all clear, unplug the machine, get down on the floor, and pull out the vent plate that covers the coils. Then use a vacuum hose to clean the coils. It’s also good to wipe down the door gasket as with a warm damp cloth to make sure there’s no sticky build-up there, which can cause the gasket to tear (and inhibit your fridge’s ability to refrigerate).

Air conditioner: Similar to refrigerators, air conditioner coils need to be cleaned every once in a while—now, a.ka. the beginning of the season, is a particularly good time to do this. Remove the filter cover and run a vacuum brush over the coils. While you’re at it, pull out the filter and clean or replace it, depending on what kind of model you have.

Vacuum: This is one of the most oft-neglected household gadgets. Filters and bags need to be swapped out at least annually. If you have a bagless model, wipe out the canister with a sponge. Test it’s suction power: try to vacuum up a bit of sand, and see if your vac sucks up the majority of it (if so, it’s in good shape—if not, take it to a local repair shop to see if it’s just a question of changing out a part. If you’ve got motor issues, it’s probably more cost effective to buy a new vacuum).

Ceiling fan: If you notice the blades on yours are wobbling, you’re in for trouble—this wears out the motor a lot faster. Dust off the tops of the blades and tighten the screws to make sure everything is locked into place.

Stove and oven: Gas stoves in particular need to be kept clean to ensure burners and igniters will keep on for years. A warm cloth and a bit of dish soap is all you need to get them spic and span. Mr. Fleshman from Fleshman Appliance Repair tells The New York Times that the self-cleaning feature should be avoided, since the super-high-temperature can be hard on your oven’s wiring and electrical components. Instead, after you’ve used your oven, wait until it’s cool enough to touch but still warm, and wipe it down with a moist cloth. Fleshman also says not to worry about stains, “always tell my customers, if people are looking in your oven and complaining about it being dirty, you shouldn’t have those people in your home.”

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Update on Frontier

The order for Frontier will not be placed until Thursday at the earliest because I had to setup my own account with Frontier. They have a 2 step approval process that takes a full day each to complete. Sorry for the delay. I didn't know all this ahead of time. Please keep an eye on your email starting tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon in case there is a change to your order. I will post when order is complete and the spreadsheet totals are updated.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

June Frontier order due

Just a reminder to get your Frontier order in by this Monday night. The order will be placed Tuesday morning.

Marie :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Soapnuts are here!

The soapnuts arrived this evening. Feel free to stop by anytime tomorrow and pick up your order. Please do call first 869-2609 to confirm that I will be home when you come by!
Thanks and see you all soon!

DIY Sunscreen/Bug Repellent

The only way to TRULLY know what is in it is to make it yourself. I think I am there, this is all so freaking ridiculous!!!!! Please if you find a recipe you really like post it in the comments!

Sunscreen: (NO ZINC??)

Bug Repellent:

Mexitan, putting off the order, please read!!

I was referred to an article from the EWG (Environmental Working Group) which has some new information about Sunscreens. One of the topics really jumped out at me, it was about a seemingly harmless ingredient in all of Mexitans Sunscreens (only thoes with an SPF factor) and 41% of other bands on the market. I am talking about Vitamin A in the form of “retinyl palmitate” or “retinol” and when applied to the skin in the presence of sunlight, may speed the development of skin tumors and lesions. This is enough to deter me personally from ever using a sunscreen with this ingredient. (see below for exerpt and link to whole article)

I will still be ordering their bug repelant, Skedattle, as it has gotten rave reviews and based on what I could find actaully works.

My goal is to place the order this afternoon if possible, I will be emailing everyone who placed an order to see what they want to do. This delay in ordering means that the order will arrive just before or after I move, so I will need to have the order shipped to someone elses house for sorting and picking up (any volunteers???)

Full article:

5. The common sunscreen ingredient vitamin A may speed the development of cancer.
Recently available data from an FDA study indicate that a form of vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, when applied to the skin in the presence of sunlight, may speed the development of skin tumors and lesions (NTP 2009). This evidence is troubling because the sunscreen industry adds vitamin A to 41 percent of all sunscreens.

The industry puts vitamin A in its formulations because it is an anti-oxidant that slows skin aging. That may be true for lotions and night creams used indoors, but FDA recently conducted a study of vitamin A’s photocarcinogenic properties, the possibility that it results in cancerous tumors when used on skin exposed to sunlight. Scientists have known for some time that vitamin A can spur excess skin growth (hyperplasia), and that in sunlight it can form free radicals that damage DNA (NTP 2000).

In FDA’s one-year study, tumors and lesions developed up to 21 percent sooner in lab animals coated in a vitamin A-laced cream (at a concentration of 0.5%) than animals treated with a vitamin-free cream. Both groups were exposed to the equivalent of just nine minutes of maximum intensity sunlight each day.

It’s an ironic twist for an industry already battling studies on whether their products protect against skin cancer. The FDA data are preliminary, but if they hold up in the final assessment, the sunscreen industry has a big problem. In the meantime, EWG recommends that consumers avoid sunscreens with vitamin A (look for “retinyl palmitate” or “retinol” on the label). Read more.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Azure Location Poll, PLEASE VOTE!!!

Hey everyone, We would like to have a total of 4 drop locations in Vegas that we are a part of. My drop which was located near 215 and S. Durango is hopefully going to be splitting into 3 new drops:
Gayle - near 215 and Cheyenne
PinkPeas - near Sahara and Decatur (In the Trader Joes Parking Lot)
Tirrsa - I-15 and Blue Diamond (in the Target Shopping Center)

Cecilias drop, near 215 and N Decatur is staying the same!

In order for this to work, I need to make sure we have enough people for EVERY DROP. I don't want to leave my loyal participants in the south part of town without a reasonably close drop point. So PLEASE vote in the poll, but ONLY ONCE so that we make sure the south drop will still have enough participants. I am MOST concerned with the South Drop, so thoes who are interested make sure you vote !!!!!

We will keep you all posted as soon as the details are worked out.


Maggies Soap Nuts ORDER PLACED!!

I placed the Maggie Order this morning (sorry yesterday was busy). He said they should go out today and should be here in a few days. I'll let you know as soon as they arrive. I will need everyone to pick up in a timely manner since we are moving very soon!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Azure Drop Address correction

Hey guys sorry, someone pointed it out that I made a typo on Tirrsa's address. Here is the correct address:

8497 Prince of Tides Ct.
Las Vegas, NV 89113

See you all soon!

Azure update 5/24

The driver is about 5mins away from the drop before us so he is now thinking 9pm sharp! Lets plan for that so meet you guys soon...

Updated time for 5/24 Azure drop

Just talked with the driver, he said he was detained for a moment which put him behind. He now estimates the drop for a little after 9pm...Ill call him in a couple hours and update again!

Azure drop tonight 5/24

Hi everyone,

Im Tirrsa, looking forward to meeting you all tonight! I just talked to the driver, and he is thinking around 8:30 for our stop. I'll keep you updated so keep checking in...I'm calling him around 6pm to check back in. Thanks :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Azure Drop Location Change!!!

Okay It is official I have found someone to take over my drop AND IT IS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY SO THE DROP THIS MONTH WILL BE AT HER HOUSE. The good news is she is literally a few blocks from house. Her name is Tirrsa and her address is 8497 Price of Tides Ct., 89113. From now on she will be posting all updates for the drop via the blog. I will be there this month for back up and to say goodbye to you all. It has been a great experience and I thank you all for being a part of it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Healthy School Lunches!!!

Hey everyone,
I just got this Letter and wanted to pass it on. Please, even if it is only $1 or $2, donate. Help them get our children healthy Schoool Lunches. AND then please copy and paste and e-mail it to everyone you know!!! Together we can help make the change!


I don't think one more day should go by where a school has to serve children processed pizza or frozen chicken by-product for lunch.

But Congress is still thinking about delaying legislation that would bring the biggest improvements to the National School Lunch Program in its sixty-year history. Schools may have to wait at least another year for change.

Can you make a donation today to help secure healthier school lunches for our nation's children?

In the last few days, the Slow Food network has stepped up in a big way, sending over 35,000 letters to Congress. It's clear that public awareness about childhood obesity is at an all-time high. People understand that it's time to change the way America eats. And for more than 31 million children, school lunch is critical.

But public awareness isn't enough - we have to turn it into action. That's where you come in. As legislators turn their attention to this fall's elections, we need your donation to help keep up the pressure.

We also need your gift to support hundreds of new projects that our volunteer leaders are starting in communities across the country. Through school garden and education programs and initiatives to expand fresh, local food options in underserved neighborhoods, our volunteer leaders are helping kids develop the healthy eating habits that will last throughout their lives.

There's never been so much potential for change. Please make your donation to Slow Food USA today and help support our nationwide effort to protect children's health.

With thanks,

Josh Viertel

Azure is ON this month, Orders Due 4pm today!

There is a chance it may be dropped of at a different location that within blocks of my house, a different street off Oquendo. I will post when it is for sure. Either way, get your orders in TODAY by 4pm!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Maggies Soap Nuts order due!

Okay it is FINALLY that time. I want to place the order on the morning of Monday, May 24th, so please, if you haven't already, get your orders on the spreadsheet and send your payments by the Sunday May 23rd!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mexitan-All Natural Sunscreen!!!!

We are on board for another coop. I personally use this brand and LOVE it! We have never had a sunburn when using it! rated them #1 in safety,too!

They have everything from Dark Tanning Oil to SPF 50, as well as mousturizing lotions, Sunless Tanning Spray AND NOW Bug Repellant, called Skedattle!!

Check them out here:
And here are their wholesale prices.
Prices of course will be based on how many items we order, so check the google doc often to see where we are at. Prices based on TOTAL items NOT each type of items, woo hoo!!!

Since I am moving in a couple of weeks (we have to be in Salinas by June 8th) I will be placing this order very quickly!

  • PAYMENTS DUE ON MAY25TH!! (we will NOT know totals until after we have a final order, so wait until the 25th to pay)
See Payment Page for Payment Details!!!

To Order
On the homepage of the blog, click the link "Contact us for Google Login" if you do not already have the information to access our account for google docs.
Once you have the Username and Password:
Go to, click on “G-mail” on the top of the page.
Enter the Username and Password
Click on “documents” (upper left hand side of page)
click on Mexitan-Due 5/23/2010 and add you order.

NOTE: If you have a gmail account then share the document with yourself so you don't have to log in and out.

It's Official, I am moving!!!

We are moving to Salinas, Ca in early June so we need to get everything in order to make this transition as smooth as possible. This is a bitter sweet move for us. We have found an amazing community here in Las Vegas and I will miss each of you. However my husband and I have been trying to get back to California for many year and are very excited! I sincerely hope that this blog and these co-ops continue to Flourish and grow. I wish good health and happiness to you all.

A few of you have already contacted me about taking over one or more co-ops. Below is a list of each co-op/job that needs to be taken over and a short description of what each will entail.

Frontier - I am looking for two people, possibly three. I want to have someone in the Henderson/South East Las Vegas area and someone in the South West Las Vegas. We already have someone in the North West part of town to take over that area and if we get enough interest in the North East Part of town and someone would like to be in charge of that as well, then great! Running this co-op entails setting up an Google Doc Spreadsheet each month, Posting reminders on the Blog, placing each months orders on the website (copy/pasting item numbers, verifying each items price and each persons total), updating prices and totals on the spreadsheet, paying for the order with your credit card (which means you get the points ; ), sorting the order when it arrives and arranging pick-ups. I will teach you how I do it (thanks to a LOT of trial and error) to save you valuable time!

Azure - Posting reminders on the Blog, communicating with others who want to use your drop location, communicating with the truck driver about delivery time, being in charge of "running" the drop (writing and laying out name signs for the orders to be placed on, handing out orders from driver, making sure everyone got everything, signing for the order, making arrangements with thoes who could NOT help unload to pick up their items, etc). Some of the details you will be able to change since it will be "your DROP".

Beef Order - MUST BE AVAILABLE ON THURSDAYS BETWEEN 11am and 1pm Orders may be as often as every month or as infrequent as every 4 months. Communicating and placing orders with Ryan at Bar10Ranch. Paying for the order with a Credit Card (you may be able to make other arrangements with Ryan, like having people pay cash upon pick-up) Making sure everyone who has ordered knows when and where to pick up their beef. Possibly taking some of the orders to your home or place of work after the Farmers Market is over for later pick-ups.

Other Temporary Co-ops - These will be similar to the Frontier Orders and be assigned when someone finds a good deal!

We also need a Blog e-mail Response Person. Google only allows e-mails to be forwarded to one email address and with so many people running the different co-ops, we really need someone who can be responsible for checking e-mails daily and forwarding on to appropriate co-op organizer as well as responding to general questions and making general changes to the blog when necessary.

I will be changing the way people contact the blog Organizers. ALL organizers will have the login information and will be responsible for changing their own co-op information. We will have a list of the organizers names and which co-ops they run. Interested parties will then e-mail the Response Person (via the contact link) with the name of the co-op and organizer in the subject line. The response person will forward them on. Each organizer will then handle their own e-mails. This is to protect everyones privacy. It will also allow each organizer to easily decide how to keep track of their participants. I ask that you respond to all emails within 48 hours, to help keep the integrity of the blog.


Well, I think that about covers it. All emails will still come to me for the time being so if you have any questions or are interested, PLEASE email me!

Thank you,
Keslie : )

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bountiful Baskets Still Available

There are a number of new locations to get your Bountiful Baskets this week, with quite a few still available as of now (9:10pm Tuesday night).

Organic Sites with spaces:
Boulder City (30 baskets)
Las Vegas Northwest - Mountain Crest Park (10 baskets)
Las Vegas Northwest - Sunny Springs Park (40 baskets)
Las Vegas Airport Area - Well Rounded Mama (16 baskets)

Please see our Bountiful Baskets Information Page or their website

Monday, May 3, 2010

Need new Organizers!!!

Hey everyone,

So it is looking like my family will in fact be moving. While we are still not 100% sure, I would like to get people who are interested in taking over my co-ops and blog on board and trained in the event that we do move. Sooooo if you are intersted in helping keep this blog running and/or taking over running one or more of my co-ops, PLEASE E-MAIL ME via the Contact Us link.
Thanks in advance,

Frontier Order Complete!

I have placed the May Frontier Order and will post again when I get word on when it will be delivered. All totals are also correct, so go ahead and pay when you are ready!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Frontier Order Due by Sunday!

I will be placing the Frontier order on the morning of Monday May 3rd! So be sure to get your orders in by Sunday night!

Follow this link for more info about Frontier
Have Other Questions or need the username and password? Email here

Bar 10 Ranch, out of beef until June!!

Hey Everyone,
I heard that Bar 10 Ranch was out of beef, so I wrote to Ryan and here is the response I got:

"I have butcher dates set for the middle of May and should have some beef available around June 1st. We want to make sure they meet our quality specs for taste and tenderness. If they do, we have other animals ready to butcher as well and will be back in full production about the middle to end of June."

So all beef orders are on hold, BUT PLEASE PUT YOUR ORDERS IN, so when they are ready we will get what we want. Oh and we are asking for MORE FAT to be left on. If you are wondering WHY WE WANT MORE FAT!!!! See this post Where's All the fat???.

For more info on how to place your orders please refer to Grass Fed Beef page.

Remember if you have any questions that are not answered on the blog, please contact us through the Contact Us link.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Azure Time Change!!

He should now be here between 8:20 and 8:30pm, SORRY for the late notice, I just got the call that he has left the first drop (we are the third)!!

April Azure Order Delivery TODAY!!! (4/26)

Sorry everyone I meant to post this earlier, but got distracted! 3 small kids will do that too ya!

The Azure delivery is due to arrive at Keslie's house TONIGHT (4/26/10) between 7:30 and 7:45! Remember if you CAN NOT make it to help unload, please call Keslie (418-9970) to make other arrangements!

Thank you all!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Azure Drop back at Keslie!

Sorry for the change in plans, again! The drop will be at the normal drop location, Keslie's house. If you have concerns that you will not be able to make it to help unload, please give Keslie a call at 418-9970 to make other arrangements to pick up your order. And don't forget to keep yourself up to date via the blog. DO NOT RELY ON THE SUBSCRIPTION EMAILS, they are NOT up to the minute, so you won't know what is going on. You MUST visit the blog periodically on Monday for all Azure updates. Thanks!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Soapnuts use!!!

I ran out of dishwasher soap the other day and was frantically looking on the web for recipes for making myown, when I stumbled upon a website that said to use soapnuts in your dishwasher. I make my own liquid (directions on the bags and the website) for laundy and I decided to try using it in my dishwasher. I filled each dispender with the liquid and as usual filled the jet dry container with vinegar. WOW, my dishes came out cleaner and with less spots than with the Biokleen or Seventh Generation! I couldn't believe it. I was blown away as was my extremely skeptical husband (who asked if I had bought new soap)!! I am finding more and more uses all the time.

It looks like we will be placing the Maggies Soap Nuts order at the end of this month or the begining of May, so get your orders in ASAP!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Azure Standard UPDATE, PLEASE READ!!!


There are a few changes being made to the Azure Standard Ordering!

1) ALL UPDATES AND NOTICES WILL BE POSTED ON THE BLOG. I will no longer be communicating via e-mail AT ALL. We have learned the Subscription emails are NOT delivered immediately and this can cause serious problems on delivery day. If you placed an order YOU MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THE BLOG ON THE DELIVERY DAY (Monday or Tuesday, will be posted prior, so look for the post). It is taking too much time and energy trying to call and/or e-mail everyone who ordered each month. The driver will call with timing updates during the day so YOU MUST CHECK THE BLOG for this info.

2) As usual if you will NOT be able to help unload AND you do NOT contact us to make arrangements, we will NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for your order! We are just moms trying to help out and can't worry about irresponsible adults! (our kids keep us busy enough ; )

3)This month (and possibly from now on) the Azure Orders will be delivered to a different location near Hualapai and Charleston. The name, address and phone number of this drop coordinator will be posted when it is official!

4)If you have questions, please send us an e-mail via the "CONTACT US FOR GOOGLE LOGIN" link. OR Leave a comment below.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Grass Fed Beef Order

If you are interested in ordering Beef this month please refer to the Grass Fed Beef Page for information on how to order. I will no longer be taking orders via my e-mail. I have NOT kept track of orders sent to me previously. Please follow the instructions on the Grass Fed Beef Page and add your orders to the Order Sheet.
IF we get enough people to order at LEAST 1 whole cow, then we will place an order for Pick-up on the the Second Thursday of the month (April 15th). We will need to have ALL orders paid for by Monday, April 12th in order to place the order on Tuesday, April 13th. Remember if we get enough to order 2 or more cows the price will go down!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Molto Vegas Farmer's Market

In case you had not heard, there is a new-ish farmer's market in town that is geared toward supporting local farms and growers. While not all of the vendors are from Las Vegas, or from Nevada for that matter, this farmer's market seems to be as local as it gets for those of us that don't grow all of our own food. Can't make the market on Thursday? While researching the origins of the market, I read that there is a putative Saturday market in the works (I will update as soon as I hear back regarding my inquiry). It is no secret that Las Vegas is not exactly in the forefront of the Slow Food movement but this is certainly a step in the right direction!

Where: 7485 South Dean Martin Drive, Suite 106 (a half mile north of Blue Diamond Road on the west side of the street).

When: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM for the general public

You can also follow them on FaceBook!

Happy (Slow) Shopping!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Roasted Fennel and Sweet Potato

This was sooooo yummy and even easier to make.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Earth Hour is Saturday!! Join us

This is just a reminder to turn out your lights at 8:30pm on Saturday, March 27 (tomorrow)for ONE HOUR to participate in Earth Hour.

For more information, please visit
https://www. myearthhour. org/community

Lights will be turned off or dimmed on the Las Vegas Strip during that hour.

Two universities, 62 businesses, 19 organizations, Clark County, The City of Las Vegas, The City of North Las Vegas and The City of Reno have all pledged to participate in Earth Hour!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bountiful Baskets ORDER TODAY

You can place you Bountiful Basket Orders starting at 9am!
Don't forget, they go FAST!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jade and Pearl Order Still a few more days!!!

I have been extra busy this last week so you still have a few days to put in your Jade and Pearl Orders. I plan to get the order totaled up in the next few days, so get your orders in ASAP!!!! This is the company that sells Sea Sponge Tampons and the Amazing P-Style as well as many other wonderful items (mostly for women). See more on the Jade and Pearl Info Page for more details!


The driver will be here at 8:30pm. If you will not be able to help unload, you MUST CALL ME, or your items will be left in my garage and will NOT be temp controlled. You will be able to pick them up at my convenience!
My address is on your Azure Order, call if you need help finding it. And the driver will have a copy of your order so you won't need to bring one.
869-2609 hm
418-9970 cell

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Azure Arrival Date

To all of you who placed an Azure order,
I just spoke with the driver and he said "It is looking like they will make it here Monday Night". Of course things can always change ;) So, I will be calling him on Monday around noon and he said should have a more precise time for us! See you all next week!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Where's all the FAT???

Here is some information about the Nutritional Value of Grass Fed Beef FAT! First is a response from Ryan at Bar 10 Ranch about requesting more fat left on our beef and then is some information about why the fat is actually more healthy than the meat. Please read all of this and then do your own research. I don't know much mroe than this, so please don't ask any questions! I don't have the time to do the research myself, but would love for you to all leave a comment if you find more info!
You are absolutely right, the fat is where all of the fatty acids, vitamins and minerals are deposited. There has been and continues to be a stigma about fat in red meat. But as you found out, the fat from healthy grass fed animals is one of the most important elements in our diets and is full of many of the vital nutrients that we need to keep our bodies healthy. And please understand that grass fed beef is generally leaner than grain fed beef. However, there is fat in all of the cuts that you are getting. Some roasts are leaner cuts than others, but still have inter-muscular fat. A lot of the inter-muscular fat in grass fed animals is transparent, unlike fat from corn fed cattle that is very white.

Now, that being said, we have to cater to the general public if we want to survive as beef producers. Most people are still under the false idea that fat is bad, that lean beef is better. So we have cut our beef accordingly. If you guys want more fat in your beef, we can accommodate that, but it has to be in ½ to whole beef amounts, and needs to be specified prior to our slaughter dates so we can have them butchered that way. Until more people catch on, I have to cut the meat as I am doing to appease the crowds, if you know what I mean. To this day, I get comments about our beef having too much fat, believe it or not.

So, you have 2 options:

1) Order at least a ½ beef individually and store it in your freezer. We do our butchering from July to December. I would need to know how you want your beef processed prior to our butchering dates. Also, I would need a deposit, ½ down, ½ upon delivery to the market.
2) Find like-minded people that want lots of fat on their beef and order together. If you want a year around supply of beef, you will probably need to make 2 orders a year, 1 in July/August and 1 in December. Once it goes into my freezer, I really don’t have any way of keeping it separate, so it would come boxed up and you would have to divide it up amongst your group. This also would require a deposit.

I know that I am putting a lot back on you guys, but until people get educated about the fat and change their mindsets, I have to continue to cater to the majority. I appreciate you guys and all that you do for us and I am sure that every member of your buying group appreciates the work that you put into coordinating the bulk purchases. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thanks again.

Ryan West
Bar 10 Ranch

Below is an excerpt from the article, "It's the Beef" written by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD, 2000-Jul-30 (

The beef industry has been forced to be apologetic about its product because it's very difficult to get the fat out of beef. You can reduce the fat content by using hormones, but you end up with a product that is tough and tastes terrible, not to mention full of hormones. Beef producers need to recognize that the fat is the most important part of the beef, rich in components that promote good health and that help you utilize the nutrients in all the other parts of the beef. In addition to vitamins A and D, fat contributes many important fatty acids, including palmitoleic acid, an antimicrobial fat that protects us against pathogens in the gut. If you want to be sure that you don't get foodborne illness from your hamburger, use full fat ground beef.

Fat also provides a substance called conjugated linoleic acid or CLA, at least it does if the animals have been on green grass.31 CLA is a substance that protects us against cancer and that promotes weight loss—that's right, fat can make you thin, if it's the right kind of fat.

And the right kind of fat is also saturated fat which, in spite of what we've been told, plays many important roles in the body chemistry. The scientific literature delineates a number of vital roles for dietary saturated fats—they enhance the immune system,32 are necessary for healthy bones,33 provide energy and structural integrity to the cells,34 protect the liver35 and enhance the body's use of essential fatty acids.36 Stearic acid and palmitic acid, found in beef tallow and butter, are the preferred foods for the heart.37 As saturated fats are stable, they do not become rancid easily, do not call upon the body's reserves of antioxidants, do not initiate cancer, do not irritate the artery walls.

In fact saturated beef fat is one of the most useful fats in the culinary repertoire. As it is very stable and doesn't go rancid when heated to high temperatures, it's perfect for frying. While we don't recommend a lot of fried foods, we know that our children and grandchildren are going to eat them. Fast food outlets used to fry their potatoes in healthy stable beef tallow. They were crisp, tasted delicious and provided many important nutrients. But the phony cholesterol issue has forced these outlets to switch to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is known to cause a host of chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, bone problems, infertility and autoimmune disease.38

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Whole Foods Pulls Raw Milk From Shelves

Whole Foods has announced that they will be removing all raw milk from their shelves in California, Washington, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. The reason given is that Whole Foods' insurance company has decided it will not cover liability for perceived health issues with raw milk until a satisfactory nationwide safety policy for raw milk has been demonstrated. It is important to stress the fact that this action is not a reaction to any safety problem caused by raw milk.

It is EXTREMELY important to let Whole Foods know how you feel about this decision by emailing them at Then patronize smaller health foods stores and markets that still carry raw milk. Not only has Whole Foods stopped providing Nature's perfect food, they have created a severe financial hardship for the farmers who in good faith have invested in raw milk production for Whole Foods markets. If you phone the dairy that has provided raw milk to Whole Foods, they will be able to provide you with the names of stores that still carry it.

Would you Drink Raw Milk?

There is a poll being taken asking whether you would drink raw milk. If
you would like to vote, please visit:

The poll says:
Legislators are debating whether to allow the sale of unpasteurized milk, which advocates say has health benefits but others say can be risky because it can cause food-borne illnesses.

Bountiful Baskets ORDER TODAY

As of 10:30am there are 39 Conventional Baskets available at the North Las Vegas Drop location. If you want to place an order do it soon!
Nevada Produce Order Page

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Produce Co-op Drop Locations

There is a new basket Drop Location near Durango and Lone Mountain. For now they are only offering Conventional at that location, but I would guess it won't be long until they are offering Organic as well.

Produce Basket Co-op

Notes: We do NOT run this co-op, but do participate in it.
Please AFTER YOU HAVE READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE and looked over their website
If you still have questions please contact the owners of the coop at:
Sarah at

What is it??
Bountiful Baskets is a way to use collective purchasing to get high quality food at prices usually reserved for grocery stores and restaurants. Save money while you work together cooperatively within your community.

Here is an excerpt from their info page
About Bountiful Baskets Co-op
Bountiful Baskets is not a business. It is a group of people who work together for mutual benefit. We are up front and open about how things work. Our policies are as follows:

Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op is constantly growing to reach new areas through a large network of volunteers. We run at least every two weeks at each site. We are completely volunteer-run and make no profit. We have the following distribution sites and look forward to adding other distribution sites as volunteers are trained and ready to open them! Please see our home page for a complete listing of current sites. Cities marked with an * have 100% Organic sites available.

This is a Co-op
This is a grass roots, all volunteer, no contracts, no catch co-operative. Without volunteers this co-op wouldn't happen, so you will need to help as you are able. There are many opportunities to participate!

What Do You Get??
Each week, they are offer Conventional and Organic Baskets, see below.
Conventional Basket: $15 you receive approx $40-50 worth of produce.
Organic Baskets: $25 you receive approx $70-80 worth of produce.
Here is a sample of what you may receive in each basket
8 apples, 4 oranges, 7 bananas, 1 pineapple, 5 pears, 1 pack of strawberries, 6 potatoes, 1 head romaine lettuce, 2 packs of asparagus, 4 avocado, 2 butternut squash, 6 tomatoes, 5 potatoes

They also have add ons you can purchase along with your baskets such as bread, snack bars, pastries, Ethnic Cuisine Ingredient Packs, Cases of a particular type of produce and many others items. Each week new and exciting items are availble for purchase.

Order begins at 9am on the Tuesday before the pick-up date. The baskets sell out VERY QUICKLY, often by 10am, so go online and order as close to 9am as you can.

Pickups times vary for each location. See Site Listings on the website for locations, times, delivery dates and which baskets (Conventional and/or Organic) are available.

Delivery Dates
There will be 2 deliveries, Week A (Durango/Lone Mt) and Week B (Sahara/215) and are as follows. More locations may be added soon.w
March 6th Week A
March 13th Week B
March 20th Week A
March 27th Week B
April 3rd Week A
April 10th Week B
April 17th Week A
April 24th Week B
And so on....

Azure Order Due Thursday

You MUST get your Azure Orders in by 4pm this Thursday, March 18th!

CLOSED - Maggies Soap Nuts

Maggie's Soap Nuts
We are running a ONE-TIME Co-op for Maggies Soap Nuts. We won't actually be placing the order until the middle of April, but thought we'd put the info up now so everyone has plenty of time to look it over.

I personally have been using soap nuts for over a year and I LOVE them. We use them both our regular laundry and our cloth diapers with fabulous success. I prefer to turn my soap nuts into liquid, or to purchase the pre made liquid. Making your own liquid is more cost effective, but does take some time.

Their laundry liquid is "The only detergent in the world with NO Synthetic chemicals."

For more info about Maggies Soap Nuts, check out the website at:

For Pricing:
Choose Maggies Soap Nuts Pricelist
To see the Liquid Soap Nuts label choose Maggies Liquid Label

To Place Order
On the homepage of the blog, click the link "Contact us for Google Login" if you do not already have the information to access our account for google docs.
Once you have the Username and Password:
Go to, click on “G-mail” on the top of the page.
Enter the Username and Password
Click on “documents” (upper left hand side of page)
Find the document called Maggies Soap Nuts Order Sheet.
NOTE: If you have a gmail account then share the document with yourself so you don't have to log in and out.

If you are not already able to access the google document, you can "Contact us to Participate" on the homepage of the blog. If you use already use a gmail account, you can "invite" yourself to use the spreadsheet from your personal email account.

How to Pay:Prior to us placing this order all totals must be paid IN FULL. Once everyone has put their orders on the spreadsheet they will all be totaled up and the totals will be on their respective spreadsheets in bold. You may pay in Cash or with PayPal: Funded or Credit/Debit card (you pay all fees) PRIOR to the payment deadline (to be determined and posted at a later time).
Please refer to the Payments Page for more details.

CLOSED - Jade and Pearl

Jade and Pearl
We are able to get Wholesale pricing from Jade and Pearl! This is an AMAZING website designed mostly for Women. I will be placing the order on March 26th! The price sheet says you need to order 12 of something to get the whole sale price, this does not apply to us, order as many of whatever you would like!

Check out their website:

View the Jade and Pearl Pricelist

On the homepage of the blog, click the link "Contact us for Google Login" if you do not already have the information to access our account for google docs.
Once you have the Username and Password:
Go to, click on “G-mail” on the top of the page.
Enter the Username and Password
Click on “documents” (upper left hand side of page)
Go to the Jade and Pearl Order Sheet.
NOTE: If you have a gmail account then share the document with yourself so you don't have to log in and out.

How to Pay:

Prior to us placing this order all totals must be paid IN FULL. Once everyone has put their orders on the spreadsheet they will all be totaled up and the totals will be on their respective spreadsheets in bold. You may pay in Cash or with PayPal: Funded or Credit/Debit card (you pay all fees) PRIOR to the payment deadline (to be determined and posted at a later time).
Please refer to the Payments Page for more details.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What to do with thoes BEAUTIFUL leeks??

Here is one recipe I love. We prefer to leave it a little chunky. We use a hand blender so we have more control over how chunky it is. I have also been known to add cream for a slightly different taste and texture to change it up a bit. Either way it's delicious!! ENJOY!!!!
Feel Free to add your own fav's or variations in the comments!

Creamy Leek-Potato Soup
Serves 4 to 6. Published March 1, 2010. From Cook's Illustrated.

Don’t fill the blender by more than two-thirds with hot soup; if necessary, process in three batches. You can also use an immersion blender to process the soup directly in the pot. Use the lowest setting on your toaster to dry out the bread without overbrowning it. A garnish is essential to add texture and flavor to this soup. We like Fried Leeks (recipe follows), crisp bacon bits, a dollop of sour cream, or freshly chopped chives. The soup can also be garnished with Garlic Chips or Garlic Croutons (see related recipes).

4 medium leeks , white and light-green parts halved lengthwise, washed, and sliced thin (about 4 cups), dark green parts halved, washed, and cut into 2-inch pieces
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
2 cups water
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
1 medium onion , chopped medium (about 1 cup)
Table salt
1 small russet potato (about 6 ounces), peeled, halved lengthwise, and cut into 1/4-inch slices
1 bay leaf
1 (4-inch) sprig fresh thyme or tarragon
1 large slice high-quality sandwich bread , lightly toasted and torn into 1/2-inch pieces (see note)
Ground black pepper

1. Bring dark-green leek pieces, broth, and water to boil in large saucepan over high heat. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 20 minutes. Strain broth through fine-mesh strainer into medium bowl, pressing on solids to extract as much liquid as possible; set aside. Discard solids in strainer and rinse out saucepan.

2. Melt butter in now-empty saucepan over medium-low heat. When butter foams, stir in sliced leeks, onion, and 1 teaspoon salt. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring frequently, until vegetables are softened, about 10 minutes.

3. Increase heat to high, stir in reserved broth, potato, bay leaf, and herb sprig and bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 10 minutes. Add toasted bread and simmer until bread is completely saturated and starts to break down, about 5 minutes.

4. Remove and discard bay leaf and herb sprig. Transfer half of soup to blender and process until smooth and creamy, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer to large bowl and repeat with remaining soup. Return soup to saucepan and bring to simmer; season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with garnish.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Frontier Orders Ready!

The Frontier Orders are sorted and ready to be picked up.  I will be out of the house from around 10:15am until 2pm, but will be home for the rest of the day after that.  If you are also getting a Bountiful Basket this week let me know and I can bring your Frontier Orders with me on Saturday. 
Please call on your way:
869-2609 hm
418-9970 cell

Beef Pick up TODAY!

If you ordered Beef, today is the pick up day!! See the Beef Page for more details. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

Streamlining Living Healthy in Las Vegas

In an effort to streamline this wonderful resource, from now any and all correspondences or information regarding the various co-ops we run will be handled through this blog. We are receiving lots and lots of emails and often have to respond with the same information. We will no longer respond to individual emails or inquiries regarding the co-ops. All the information necessary to participate in the co-ops and the ordering process are available on the blog. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on the blog and one of the co-op organizers will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible! One of the organizers will be sending an email to the list shortly asking everyone to subscribe to the Living Healthy in Las Vegas blog. Thanks and we look forward to your cooperation in streamlining this process.

Please "Subscribe to this blog via email" on the left side of the Living Healthy in Las Vegas blog.

Monday, March 1, 2010

About Living Healthy in Las Vegas Co-ops and Buying Clubs

Hello and thank you for your interest our my co-ops/buying clubs. There are 3 co-op/buying clubs that support Natural, Organic, Green Living at reasonable prices. There is also have information for a 4th co-op that we participate in for Produce! Periodically there may also be some temporary or one time co-ops if and when there are find good opportunities. Information about all the co-ops will be posted to this blog. Many, if not all, of the co-ops will involve google documents. On the homepage of the blog, click the clink "Contact us to Participate" if you do not already have the information to access our account for google docs.

If you know someone who might be interested please feel free to direct them to this blog. Anyone interested in using the SW drop point for Azure Standard, MUST contact Keslie directly (through the "Contact us to Participate" link on the homepage of Living Healthy in Las Vegas).

Azure Standard
They specialize in natural, organic, earth-friendly foods and products. They are based in Oregon and deliver to Las Vegas once per month. You can go to their website to learn more about them and browse their products.

They also sell natural, organic, earth-friendly products, but they do not sell "food". They specialize in Herbs, Spices and Essential Oils, while also carrying hundred of other brands you know and love at around 40-45% off retail prices! If both Azure and Frontier sell the item Frontier is cheaper most of the time.
Here is the link to their Catalog in PDF form, browse through it to see if you are interested. There is a list of manufacturers near the back!

Beef from Bar 10 Ranch in Utah
This is fully self-sustained ranch that has over 250,000 acres that range from the desert plateaus of Northern Arizona to the lush mountain pastures of Southern Utah. They sell Gourmet All Natural Grass Fed and Grass Finished Beef that is free of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides.
Check out their website at:

Bountiful Baskets
This is a new co-op that I am NOT running.
This co-op is amazing. You can get either a Conventional Produce Basket for $15(about $40-$50 worth) or an Organic Produce Basket for $25 (around $70-$80 worth)
They deliver every other Saturday at Spotted Leaf Park near Sahara and the 215. The pickup time is between 8:00-8:15am. Don't be late or they donate your basket!

There will likely be more locations starting up soon as this is a very popular co-op!

Azure Standard

You go to their website ( and open up an account. It is free. You will then fill your cart and checkout through them (NO COD's). They require a $50 minimum purchase per person. It will ask you what drop point you want your order shipped to. You will then enter the drop number of the location closest to you (see list of drops below). Typically, the orders have to be in by 4pm on the second to last Thursday of each month. Azure’s website has a schedule posted, we are Route K-5, or ask your drop person.
Once you’ve submitted your order, as long as the deadline has not past, you can go in and resume it and re-check out again. Remember, just because you ordered something, does not mean it will come on the truck. They pull the orders after the deadline and right before they load the truck.

The order will typically be delivered to your drop location the following Monday afternoon or evening. You will need to communicate with your drop person to know the closest times of delivery. We ask that if you are available, please come help unload the truck. The driver does not do it, so it's up to us! Communicate with your drop person. Some drop coordinators send emails to those on their drop. THE DRIVER’S SCHEDULE CHANGES THROUGHOUT THE DAY. YOU MUST LOG ON PERIODICALLY THROUGHOUT THE DAY TO SEE WHEN HE IS DUE TO ARRIVE AT YOUR DROP!! WE WILL NOT CONTACT YOU ANY OTHER WAY.
We do understand that some of you work or have young children and will not know if you can help unload the truck until we know when it will be here. Unfortunately, most of us don't have fridge or freezer space to store cold or frozen items SOOOO if it turns out that you are unable to help unload and you want to order cold/frozen items, YOU MUST MAKE ARRANGMENTS PRIOR TO ORDERING WITH YOUR DROP COORDINATOR OR WITH A FRIEND TO PICK UP FOR YOU, OTHERWISE DON’T ORDER IT!!


These times are subject to change, there are no guarantees as to the exact time/day the truck will come.


Drop Location: on Cheyenne & Tenaya near the 95 (Target parking lot) typically Monday afternoon (3-3:30 pm) delivery
Drop Location: 3920 W. Charleston – Suite J (Northwest corner of Charleston and Valley View at the PinkPeas Business) typically Monday late afternoon (4-4:30pm) delivery
Call Azure for contact info
Drop Location: on Blue Diamond at Valley View (Target parking lot) typically Monday late afternoon (5-5:30 pm) delivery
Ronda-Call Azure for contact info
Drop Location: in Henderson near Horizon and Pacific at a residence typically Monday early evening (6 pm) delivery
For Las Vegas Area Azure Standard Drop numbers and Contact Information:
To get the Drop Number for the location that you wish to pick-up, please email us, via the Contact Us page. Be sure to enter Azure and the Drop Coordinators name in the Co-op/Organizer field.
For Instance if you want to use Gayle's Drop Location, type in:


Your e-mail will be forwarded on to Gayle and she will respond to your e-mail within 48 hours.
Or you can call Azure Standard: 541-467-2230 and ask for information on open drops in Las Vegas and Henderson. They will give you a phone number that you can call for one of the drop persons.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Grass Fed Beef

Local (Utah), All Natural, Grass fed and finished Beef
Here is an excerpt from their site:
All Natural, Grass Fed Beef
Bar 10 Beef offers Gourmet All Natural Grass Fed Beef that is free of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. At the Bar 10 Ranch, our cattle graze on 250,000 acres of open range. Once selected for our beef program, they are taken to our grass farm where they are turned out to graze on a wide variety of high-quality grasses. The end result is delicious, healthy, nutritious beef from our family to yours.
Once our animals have reached their optimum weight, they are processed in a humane and low-stress facility. Our beef is Dry-Aged anywhere from 14 to 21 days providing you with a gourmet product that is only found in high-end restaurants and custom butcher shops, this in not beef that you will find at your local grocery store.

Available Packages:

One or more cows:
1/12 $183
1/6 $366
1/4 $550
1/2 $1100
1 $2200

1/12 is equal to: 2 New York Strip or T-Bone Steaks, 2 Rib or Ribeye Steaks, 2 Top Sirloin Steaks(boneless), 15lbs of Ground Steak, 3lbs of Patties, 9-10lbs of Roasts, 4lbs.of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak…..approx.34-35lbs of Beef.

1/6 is equal to double of the above

1/4 is equal to: 6 Ribeyes, 6 New York Strips, 6 Top Sirloins Steaks, 45lbs of Ground Steak, 9lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 27lbs. of Roasts, approx. 6lbs. of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak….approx.105lbs of Beef

1/2 is equal to: 12 Ribeyes, 12 New Yorks, 12 Top Sirloins, 90lbs of Ground Steak, 18lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 54lbs of Roasts, approx.12lbs of Kabob, Stew or Cube Steak….approx. 210lbs of Beef

1 whole Beef is equal to: 24 Ribeyes, 24 New Yorks, 24 Top Sirloins, 180 lbs. of Ground Steak, 36 lbs. of Ground Steak Patties, approx. 110 lbs. of Roasts, Approx. 22lbs.of Kabob, Stew, or Cube Steak…..approx. 420lbs of Beef

To order or for additional information visit: