Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hi...the Frontier spreadsheet is up for May for the southwest pickup. Please put your order on the spreadsheet by this Saturday night. Thanks :)

~ Marie

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Downtown Frontier

The spreadsheet for Downtown Frontier is up! However, the sales catalog doesn't appear to be available, yet. Keep trying and it will probably be online in a few days. Also, note the change in Paypal account information for ordering with Downtown Frontier.
Happy shopping!

Friday, April 8, 2011

A reminder

Hi All...just a reminder that there is a "contact us" page that you can use to get in touch with us if you have questions. When you use this form we have your email address and it makes it easy for us to reply to your questions. Also...if you are wanting to participate in the Beef Co-op Rebecca has posted her direct email address for you to ask questions. Thanks for reading through the blog. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Beef Update

Hello, Just a reminder that orders need to be in this week by Friday the 8th so I can submit the order to Bar 10. If you are paying with cash please bring exact change and pay Bar 10 directly. If you are paying with paypal you can go ahead and submit your payment to theduboviks@gmail.com. Please remember to hit the Personal Tab then Payments Owed when inputing your payments. Delivery will be on April 14th at 11:00am at the Molto Market location, the address is on the first post. Hope all is well! See you soon! Rebecca